"What if I were to tell you that all of the stories, all those myths and legends, were true?
Now, what would you say if I told you I had just told you the truth but also lied?"
The idea behind the Chronicles of Enoch was simple; all stories come from somewhere. Over centuries of first oral retelling, then being copied and written down, changes are likely to have taken place. Soon, there are several superficially identical stories but with different characters and endings. It is, perhaps, human nature to want to stamp your own unique signature on the story you tell, to make it more exciting for your audience, to achieve fame...
It also means that the original story is lost to the mists of creative license and ego.
So; what if the very darkest myths of human civilsation are indeed based upon real events but, instead of being exaggerated and pumped up in the retelling, they were in fact watered down? Events were forgotten or supressed, stories lost and fragments combined together, new stories created?
What if someone knew all the stories and was working very hard to, without being detected, avoid what is known to be inevitable, to rewrite the ending? What if he could truly make the word "Apocalypse" true to its original meaning.
The Chronicles of Enoch tells the events that lead up to the epynomous End of All Things and of the attempts by various individuals and groups to either fulfill the ancient prophecies or derail them. It is is about that has been going on for millennia, is still being fought today, but so rarely seen.
A war of shadows fought in the shadows.